Software update and new features added

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Now you can see "Best Before Date" in product details page. Just click the "Details" button in each products you will see the Best Before Date for each proudct along wih Manufacture and other product details

items adding to shopping cart is Ajax enabled now. When you add an item to cart it will not redirect to shopping cart now. Istead you will see shopping cart link in top of the website will update the count.
New flyover mini shopping cart available in top of the site link. Just hoverover the mouse to "Shopping Cart" link in top right hand coner of the website. It will show you the mini shopping cart. It' will show up to 5 item in the detais. If you need complete list press the "Go to Cart" link which will bring to complete shopping cart. Also press "Checkout" button in flyover mini shopping cart bring you to checkout page directly.

If you find and any issue of comment about our new changes feel free to send us an email of contact us directly. With your help we will be able to serve you better.

Thank You,

Niwasa Webmaster

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